Friday, July 11, 2008

rocking mineral machines

The future is here, Amanda Pays just hasn't been equally multiplexed and distributed yet. Seriously, if there is anything 80s SF moving pictures told me, it was that I could expect Amanda Pays in the future, and that we two, together, would ride underwater.

Amanda Pays. Married to Corbin Bernsen (unfortunately). In 80s SF if you wanted a slightly, subtly hot Englishwoman with a mastery of the emotional scale ranging from mildly amused schoolmarmish disbelief of some stupid remark

to a Stanislavskian in-the-moment reaction of professional surprise in the workplace

to full-blown righteous indignation at such callous floutings of the laws of nature

then Amanda was your womanda for the job. Those 80s movies knew their place, they were chiseled into the bedrock of the revolution of lowering expectations in such a blandly generic way...sigh, you just can't get deculturalization like that these days. It's far too personally marketed and specific. I digress. The Amanda Pays Future wasn't like movies today where the future is say, Angelina Jolie or Monica Bellucci and then you think 'yeah right. I'm still in the Matrix.'

And not only does she have her own body of work, but she also made possible such technologies as Claire Forlani, and on this side of the drink, Zooey Deschanel. What I'm saying is she's got everyday archetypal appeal. (because we all have perfectly slightly better than average looking Englishwomen living next door? what?) Is there a sexy British schoolteacher she couldn't play?
(pic taken by )

Geeks named a video codec for her. That's serious love, and proves my point: we as a people have a reasonable expectation that there be more Amanda Pays In The Future. And trust me, we NEED Amanda Pays in the end-of-history/afterfuture/TAZ/slow-burn Soylency. If you ended up a spastic simulated consciousness, Amanda Pays can be close by on a keyboard the size of a carrier battle group.

If you end up the Flash, those dewy orbs can soften even the tackiest 'how I got my powers' scene.

Even if you run to the depths of the ocean floor, there Amanda Pays can find you (and leviathan). But who'd run?

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